Discover Class
The DISCOVER class is on the first Sunday of each month, and is designed to help individuals learn about Elevate Life Church’s story, culture, values and DNA and identify ways they can join our Family of Choice. The goal of this class is to help you have a deeper understanding of ELC and get you connected to your personal next steps.
The Discover Class takes place on the 1st Sunday of the month at 11am in Conference Room A at ELC.
How We Serve
How We Serve is one of our foundational classes that help leaders learn our servant leadership philosophy. This is a critical part of developing yourself on the Greatness Journey. This is a fun and informative experience for all new and seasoned servant leaders. This class provides practical tools to not only serve at Elevate Life but also serve in your home, work place, or anywhere you may go.
The How We Serve class takes place on the 2nd Sunday of the month at 11am in Conference Room A at ELC.
How We Lead
As part of your Greatness Journey, we ask for all leaders and future leaders to take this class. It is designed for servant leaders who are ready to step into a leadership role on a team. You will learn how to lead with excellence in all environments through practical tools and group interaction.
The How We Lead Class takes place on the 3rd Sunday each month at 11am in Conference Room A at ELC.
How We Live
Have you ever wondered how to live out all of the incredible things you hear at Elevate life? We developed How We Live for our leaders with the hope to enable you to personally experience as well as apply the leadership philosophies and historical and core teachings at ELC. We will cover topics like alignments, honor, what it means to be t-rated, legacy, growth mindset, grit, and more. This class is unlike any other thing we offer and will equip you to LIVE OUT and apply all that we teach and talk about as leaders at Elevate Life.
Coming Soon…
Transformation happens here.
Discover your fingerprint. Develop your leadership. Deploy your greatness.
- All content © 2025 Elevate Life.