

Why We Give

At Elevate Life Church, we are generous with our time, talent and treasure. We love to give, look for ways to go above beyond our first fruits (our tithe) and celebrate the opportunity to live our lives in such a way that brings God honor. We believe that when we are generous, we are the most like God!

Give - Legacy Movement Video

The Legacy Movement

The Legacy Movement is a three-year commitment to Advance the Kingdom of God through Elevate Life church by leaving the next generation debt free and ensuring that there is a place that lasts in Frisco, Texas far beyond our lifetime. 

Over the past 23 years, countless people have discovered, developed and deployed their greatness at Elevate Life Church. For transformation to happen, people, place, and time all have to line up. The Legacy Movement is about ensuring that the people who want to be great can always find a place to become everything God created them to be.

Your legacy is not about you…Your legacy is what happens BECAUSE OF YOU!

// Keith A. Craft

“When your children ask, ‘What are these stones?’ tell them that all the peoples of the earth may know the land of the Lord, that it is mighty, a memorial to the children of Israel forever.”
Joshua 4:21, 24, 7 

Do you want to leave a legacy?

Ways to Give

At Elevate Life Church, we are generous with our time, talent and treasure. We love to give, look for ways to go above beyond our first fruits (our tithe) and celebrate the opportunity to live our lives in such a way that brings God honor. We believe that when we are generous, we are the most like God!

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Text to Give

Text ‘GIVE’ to

Giving Boxes

Drop your gift inside the boxes labeled “First Fruits” located throughout the building and in the back of the auditorium.

Mail In

You can mail in your gift to our address: 8500 Teel Parkway Frisco, TX 75034


First, We believe that Scripture teaches us that the tithe is an obedience issue between us and God. Some people believe that the tithe is “Old Testament” law when in fact, the first tithe that Abraham gave to Melchizedek in Genesis 14 predates the law. The tithe is mentioned in the Bible from beginning to end, both inside of, and outside of the law of the Old Testament and the New Testament Church. Tithing is one of the primary proofs that we are honoring God with our life. Money is important to God, because money is important to us, and by “first fruiting” - which is giving God the first tenth of all our increase - we tangibly demonstrate that God has first place in our life.

Second, generosity is rooted in an understanding that all we are and have belongs to God, the Creator (Psalm 24:1). God is the owner and we are stewards, commissioned to follow God’s guidelines for living. As owner, God has made clear that faithful stewards are required to be generous.

Third, we are grateful for God’s unconditional love and forgiveness expressed through Christ’s sacrificial death (1 Corinthians 6:20). Our gratitude is expressed through our faithful obedience to God’s design for living, which prescribes a generous heart and pocketbook. We give our tithes, offerings, time and talent not in order to gain favor with God, but out of gratitude for the gift of our salvation in Jesus Christ, so that in our whole life we may show ourselves grateful to God for His many blessings. In the Bible, generosity is linked to:
  • Growing Spiritually (Matthew 6:19-24)
  • Our Need to Give (2 Corinthians 9:7)
  • Worshiping God (Exodus 35:4-5)
  • The Need of Our Neighbor (Matthew 25:31-40)
  • Our Resulting Sanctification (2 Corinthians 9:11-12)
The Bible suggests that our generosity be:
  • Regular (1 Corinthians 6:2)
  • Proportional (2 Corinthians 8:12)
  • Sacrificial (Mark 12:43-44)
  • Cheerful (2 Corinthians 9:7)

The only organization that Jesus established in his time on earth is the Church. We believe that a Christian’s primary giving is to be directed to the local church. In both the Old and New Testaments, offerings were regularly collected to maintain the ongoing work of God in the world. Today, this means giving to the church which Christ established. At minimum, a Christian should tithe to their local church, and can give over and above wherever they wish.

We talk about money a lot because its a big deal to God. There are roughly 2,350 verses in the Bible about money. Money is talked about in the Bible more than faith and prayer combined. 16 of Jesus’ 38 parables were about money. The only thing Jesus talked more about than money was the Kingdom of God.

We also talk about money because it tends to be an idol for many people. Throughout the Bible, idolatry and greed are consistently portrayed as contrary to God’s purposes. Because the love of money is central to both behaviors, Jesus spoke regularly of the relationship between our pocketbooks and the spiritual vitality of our hearts.

In our present-day culture, the issue of finances remains a key to our spiritual lives. Many individuals, families, organizations, and businesses experience serious financial problems caused by idolatry and greed. Giving is about more than money. It's also about our time and our talent. God wants us to make our lives about others, and we can’t do that without giving our time, talent and treasure to advance God’s Kingdom. We give and talk about giving often because we as Elevate Life Church believe that giving is a biblical principle. It’s a lifestyle marked by generosity that produces a rich harvest in our lives.

John 3:16 reminds us that "..God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son." This teaches us three life lessons about true biblical generosity. It is always motivated by love, not law. - God loved, so he gave.

It reveals our priorities and the things we value most. He loved the WORLD.

It is measured not by what we give, but by what we keep for ourselves. God held nothing back; He gave his very best, His only begotten son.

"Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." Luke 6:38

The average church spends 30-40% of their budget on non-ministry administrative costs (G&A). These costs are required for churches to operate. Elevate Life only allocates 16% of its budget towards administrative costs, ensuring that the majority of our contributions go directly toward ministry causes.

Elevate Life has a biblical requirement to use what we are given to care for needs, facilitate ministry and reach the world with the Gospel. We have seen tens of thousands of people follow Jesus and be discipled. We have responded significantly to natural disasters locally and all over the world with people and finances. We have paid off over $15 million dollars in medical debt statewide. We’ve supported the spread of the Gospel on every continent. Our ministry impact is vast, and continues to grow. We discuss our specific impact frequently throughout each year.

Every year since our founding, our board has hired an independent third-party auditor to conduct a full audit of our finances.    During a church audit, auditors:
  • Independently verify all financial reports
  • Follow all funds and see if proper steps are being taken in handling them
  • Evaluate accounting controls (systems that ensure the accuracy and integrity of financial records)
  • Assess segregation of duties (assurances that more than one person is involved in critical steps in handling money so that there can be checks and balances, and that Lead Pastor and Vision Team have boundaries between themselves and the church finances)
  • Calculate the reasonableness of systems and procedures in the light of all factors, including the size of the church and its budget
  • Adequacy of insurance coverage
  Every year so far, Elevate Life has received an unqualified (clean) audit. Which means an auditor found the church’s financial records to be accurate and reliable, without any significant discrepancies or concerns. It’s the best type of report a church can receive from an auditor, as it indicates sound financial practices and reporting.   Every year, the results of our audit are shared with our financial leaders team.
Every year, our audit ensures that the Lead Pastor, and leadership team has appropriate distance from the finances of the church. The Vision Team (Lead Pastor and Co-Pastors) does not access offerings or church bank accounts, and does not sign or issue checks. In addition, the Lead Pastor has no say in their compensation. Every few years, a compensation committee is established by the Board to recommend the compensation of the Vision Team. Which consists of a Lead Pastor, and Co-Pastors. A third party legal firm conducts a nationwide survey alongside the compensation committee that establishes the total compensation (salary and all other benefits) of the Vision Team. Members of the Vision Team are not allowed to be present for these discussions, nor do they know the results of the compensation study until after the compensation committee and the board have made their decision.

For additional information on our governance, click here.

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